Networking and Communications:

Using I2C (I²C) Protocol that is a synchronous, multi-master, multi-slave, packet switched, single-ended, serial computer bus invented in 1982 by Philips Semiconductor, I connect 03 BuenoBoardsV2 to light their LED, in response to what I type on the Serial Monitor. "1" turns on both LEDs from Master and Slave 01. "2" turns off both. "3" turns ON both LEDs from Master and Slave 02. "4" turns them off. Baudrate to be used it 9600, as in the code.

Voltage Divider 01

Voltage Divider 01

Use SCL and SDA pins of the BuenoBoard. They will all connect, SDA with SDA and SCL with SCL. I used the breadboard to do so. To find these pins, check the PinMap here.

Download Arduino IDE Code.

I2C ATtiny(Haven't managed to make it work yet):

The library "wire.h" we're using for I2C of ATMEGAs does not work with ATtinys. For that we have the library USIi2c, also called tinyWireS.h from highlowtech. You might have to install an older version of Arduino IDE. The 1.0.x or the 1.5.x I installed the 1.0.5 and it is not working still. I haven't given up yet.
